Average number of Slides for a 21-minute PowerPoint presentation
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How many slides are required for a 10, 15, 30, 45 or whatever minutes?
Presentations are common undertakings in both educational and business Environments. In a business setting, you will be assigned a task that requires a presentation in front of an audience such as investors, shareholders etc. Whether you are pitching your business idea or presenting your research findings, you need the right content for your audience. In an educational setup, students are required to make presentations on their final assignments, dissertation and any other assignment that require an approval by an academic audience. In most cases, presentation instructions lack details on the number of slides to create. In most instances, you will be given the presentation duration in minutes. For example you will be required to make a 15, 8, 10, 20 or 30 minutes PowerPoint Presentation.
Knowing the number of slides that you are required to develop for whatever number of minutes or time can be a challenge. To solve this problem, we developed a free online calculator to help you find the exact number of slides for any given presentation time (minutes).
The converter gives you a precise answer to the following questions: How may PPT slides should I have for a particular presentation given time Find the number of Slides given the presentation Time in minutesWhat is the average number of slides that I should have for a whatever minute long PowerPoint presentation etc
There is no specific number of slides that are required for any given amount of presentation time.The presentation time formular is not absolute but dependent on various parameters. However, there are several factors that may help to determine the number of slides to use on any given presentation. This includes the audience, the subject as well as the available time.
For a School assignment, the number of slides matter. Although most assignments will have a specification on the number of slides to use, some will just give you the number of minutes to present. In such case, you are required to figure out the appropriate number of slides to use for a particular presentation. Nevertheless, there is no a specific number of slides that one should use for a particular PPT. With our Presentation time to slide range calculator, you can determine the most appropriate range of slides to use.
How does the minutes to number off slides converter works?

The slides-counting calculator gives you the best approximation or the approximate number of slides to use for a given number of presentation minutes. The calculator is based on the 10/20/30 rule by Guy Kawasaki which recommends 10 slides for a 20 mins presentation on a 30 point font Ms PowerPoint. Although the 10/20/30 rule is widely used, we have modified it by adding some additional parameters such as amount of graphics in the slide content, presentation speed, and audience type. On average, a PPT should allocate 1.5 minute for each slide as a general rule of thumb.
How many slides for whatever minutes
For whatever minutes of presentation, the number of slides to make will depend on several factors including the amount of presentation time allocated, and your audience’s expectation.
Don’t know how many slides to commit for a given Powerpoint presentation? Or if you need to calculate how many minutes per slide, Then use our free online minutes to slides converter to find exact number of slides. Alternatively use our general rule of thumb i.e. 1.5 minutes/ slides.
How the minutes to slide calculator works
Not sure how many slides or appropriate range of slides for a presentation of a given length of time? This calculator helps you to determine the optimal range of slides accurately.
To use the calculator, enter the number of minutes in (Enter time) input field, select the presentation Speed, desired quantity of in-content graphics then hit the calculate button to proceed.
To make it easier for you, the calculator gives you the optimal range and arrearage number of slides for whatever minutes of PPT presentation.
Do you offer Presentation Writing Help or Services?
We are a professional writing company that specializes in writing Presentation both for business and academic purposes.
We have expert Power point presentation writers for the following categories
- Informative presentation
- Persuasive presentation
- Motivation presentation
- Decision making presentation
- Progress presentation
- pitch deck
Whether you are looking for a presentation for your final project or a business proposal presentation, our service has all that you need.
Our PPT writing service is cheap, reliable and Dependable. Our Prices Starts from as low as $5/ Slides.
Our PPT Writing and Design Services
- Final project Presentation
- Investor Pitch/Fundraising
- Infographics for PPt
- Seminar and Webinar PPt
- Pitch Deck Presentation
- Presentation Design
- Professional PowerPoint presentation or investor Pitch Deck
- Company Profile and Portfolio
- Marketing and Sales Presentations
- Business Proposal PPt
- Fundraising & Investor Presentations Pitch Deck
- Custom Designed Template
- PowerPoint Presentation redesign and Customization